An aircraft maintainer is responsible for ensuring that any work they perform
on an aircraft or aeronautical component is carried out “IAW” (in accordance with)
the applicable standards of airworthiness.
In order to perform maintenance on a registered aircraft (typically one that has “VH-???” as a registration mark), you will need to be a “Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer” (LAME) and you must hold a current CASR Part 66 maintenance qualification.
Alternately, you can work un-licensed as “Aircraft Maintenance Engineer” (AME) but only under the supervision of a LAME or whilst employed by an approved aircraft maintenance facility.
Pilots may perform a specific list of maintenance tasks as detailed in CAR Schedule 8.
LAME’s and AME’s must undergo extensive theoretical and practical training in order to perform and certify for maintenance carried out on aircraft.
Private pilots are encouraged to seek training for Schedule 8 tasks, whilst Commercial pilots operating for an organization must receive relevant training for each individual task.
As part of their training, and when working within an approved maintenance organization, the engineer will understand and have access to the network and resources available to ensure the aircraft and components are maintained with the appropriate parts using the most recent and relevant data in order to ensure the appropriate standard of airworthiness.

In Australia, performing maintenance on an aircraft is administered by a Recreational or Sport Self Administering body. Each of these have their own set of requirements and you do not need to be a LAME or even an AME.
Aircraft registered with the Recreational Aviation Australia (RAAus) for example, allows you to maintain your own aircraft, providing you have attained a Level 1 maintenance authority, which is part of the wonderful freedoms we enjoy here in Australia. RAAus has 4 levels of maintainer authorizations. (Full details of all the authorizations can be found in the RAAus Technical Manual from their website).
Depending upon the type, performing maintenance on your own aircraft as an RAAus Level 1 maintainer could possibly save you some money. The scope of allowable maintenance is extensive and basically allows you to perform almost anything you will need short of an engine overhaul, as detailed in the RAAus Technical Manual, Section 11.1 (5)
Working on your own aircraft is one thing, but performing maintenance on an aircraft that will be used within a flight training school or for hire as an RAAus Level 2 maintainer is another level of responsibility. RAAus states “L2s are the RAAus equivalent of Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers” (RAAus Technical Manual Section 11.4 (1.1).
Level 1 maintainers must successfully complete a 50 question on-line or paper evaluation based upon a loose syllabus. Whilst it is recommended, there is no practical training or assessment for the issue of a RAAus Level 1 Maintenance Authorization.
There is no published syllabus of training for an RAAus Level 2 maintainer. Moreover, there is no requirement for theoretical or practical competency assessment by RAAus in order to be issued a Level 2 maintenance authorization.
Upon completing their initial flight training, RAAus pilots are granted authority to perform CASA Schedule 8 tasks and are encouraged to seek training for performing these task.
Despite LSA manufacturers having a legal requirement to provide support for their products, compared to a “Certified Aircraft”, there is poor support from many manufacturers. Maintenance Manuals and Part Catalogs are, in some cases, lacking in the information required to ensure continuing airworthiness.
Sure, you have experience “fixing things” but do you really understand aircraft maintenance requirements and how the aviation industry has developed a system to enhance maintenance effectiveness and to manage the risks of maintenance errors?
Flight Safety Solutions fervently believes that there is inadequate training and support afforded to maintainers of Recreational and Sport aircraft and this poses a risk to flight safety.

Below you will find resources and training opportunities for you to expand you knowledge and skills to make yourself a better maintainer and as such, contribute to safer aviation activities.
Did you know it takes 3 years of training to obtain a certification to become a hairdresser?
The current RAAus Technical manual is devoid of any effective training for the issue of a Level 1 or a Level 2 Maintenance Authority.
Flight Safety Solutions can provide training for RAAus Maintenance Approval holders who feel they would like to gain more knowledge and practical experience whilst working on aircraft.
We have developed an introductory 2 day training course for Level 1 maintenance holders. Unfortunately, without support from RAAus, the delivery of this training it is not sustainable.
Register your interest in attending a structured training course to expand your skill and knowledge as an aircraft maintainer.
Should adequate numbers of interested people register, we will arrange a training course to cater for those who wish to attend.
Maintaining an aircraft or an aeronautical component must always be performed in accordance with (IAW) either Acceptable or Approved data.
Knowing what data is available and where to find the most recent revision can be a complex process.
Flight Safety Solutions wants to help you ensure that the aircraft you are working on is maintained IAW the appropriate standards of airworthiness.
Click the link below to open a short video on where to find maintenance data.
NOTE: BreezyLog customers receive free technical assistance.
If you are not yet a Breezylog customer, click below to register.